If you stand at the very near top of the mountain, and find yourself unamazed. Consider yourself normal. But if you later review any photographic evidence and continue not to commence amazement, consider yourself hopeless. There is a certain point when it clicks that yes - places like this do exist. And yes there is a thriving metropolis at the end of the windy, wet roads you took to reach this peak. Indeed, just another hour away is a peninsula containing lively beach fronts and tiki stands. You realize that the wonders of the world are not only at your fingertips, and for all intensive purposes almost visible from the high point at which you stand, but that these wonders have always been at your fingertips. Indeed does money make the world go 'round. But the world is accessible. It is huge and expansive, risk-worthy. What few lack understanding in is the idea that terrible ideas are often the most prosperous. For instance, I know a gentleman here who traveled to Athens and returned home to Thessaloniki with not even a wallet on him, intentionally. By hitchhiking, playing music in the streets, and a random encounter with friends staying in a hotel. This is the accessibility of the world. I argue that this life, and this land is what you make it. Fear is an object to be overcome. Fear is what hold's one back from jumping out of a plane, and feeling the rush when you hope to whatever god you randomly claimed that instant that the parachute you yourself packed opens without a hitch. Enjoy the view kids, there is nothing like the eye of the bird when joined with the mental capacity of a human, see what is beneath you. Here is the best part, and most gruesome, even if the parachute didn't open, death would hit at a moment of exuberance. People, why fear the things that can get you killed? Why fear the things that can cause you harm? Let us acknowledge that this example of courageous living, and the reasons behind its question are quite unorthodox but the point being made is this - at one point do we acknowledge that the consequences of our actions may actually be worth the possible positive outcomes? In a rather abstract manner I advise - you must live in many directions - never lose your childlike wonder.
Regrets are just moments of the past crippling you in the future. Move on, get jiggy with it.
Given the current financial situation in Greece, getting used to going around without a wallet probably makes a lot of sense.
ReplyDeleteActually the image of Greece jumping out of a plane with a parachute that doesn't open could be prophetic.
yes, my people are in a predicament, but we ignore it :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm old. As for me - I just want to enjoy the view. I like the ignore idea. Figuring things out is over-rated at my age.
ReplyDeleteMother, you dont even remember your own age.