Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'd give you my jacket but there's nothing under it.

I really only have one major comment for today. This regards my frustration in political discussions internationally. I feel that as Study Abroad students we are representatives of the United States, we travel as students and as educators. What I mean when I say this is outside of the academic setting we have an opportunity to learn about a different culture, multiple cultures which call Greece home ( Serbians, Greeks, Albanians, Africans) and to also educate those people we encounter when they inquire about the United States. They may not even have to ask, we educate just in our actions, our responses, values.. mannerisms. What I think is not acceptable is to not see this opportunity, and to naively display your views as if they were the views of the entire country. In my opinion, you are doing the program a disservice. Clearly, if you look around at the students who have come here - you would see political and individual diversity even in those numbers. So, when asked, "What's the national pride like in the U.S.?" I don't consider , " Everyone feels better because of the new President." to be an appropriate and objective response. I don't easily let my political views known, and in all honesty I have yet to educate myself enough to give a solid opinion so I neither support or deny the President publicly. But what I do feel about this statement is that it is misleading, and henceforth has influenced the ideals of a foreign individual towards the United States, and the attitudes of the citizens - which I dare say.. may not be an accurate ideal. It would be my advice to this particular student to take a step back, and give an outside perspective. Would it not be more appropriate to say " i feel.. the opposing view is.. " Regardless I think I would be supported in saying that not "everyone" supports what you clearly support ( support support support support) and.. in a rather immature statement, but useful for laughs, I'd like to ask - Who died and made you King of opinions?


  1. Are you hearing much about the finacial issues over there (I can't actually add a link but if you google "Greece bailout" you'll see what I mean)?

  2. all im hearing is.. its bad. apparently Greece is the poorest country in the EU, or close to it.
